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Monday, March 2, 2015

Horse gram weight loss tips Kollu kuruppu in Tamil

Horse gram weight loss tips Kollu in Tamil
This is about Horse gram weight loss tips. Losing weight is not a very easy task and you need to keep patience and do lots of efforts to shed some pounds. Along with exercise and active life style, you need to control your calorie intake also. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, cutting off oily and fatty food from your diet, drinking lots of water are some of the remedies to keep your weight under control. There are some simple home remedies which can prove helpful to reduce your extra weight and shape up your body.

Horse gram weight loss diet
Many of us are unaware about the benefits of horse gram in weight loss. Horse gram is one of the most beneficial home remedies which can show magical effects on weight. The regular consumption of horse gram can reduce weight within 6 to 8 months. Horse gram produces heat in the body and helps to burn the fats effectively. Thus it shows the results quickly. Horse gram controls the bad cholesterol in the body. It fights against fatty tissues and helps to reduce stored fats in the body. Because of the heat produced in the body, the saturated fat gets melted and your body comes in proper shape. But the heat produced in body can prove dangerous for body and thus it is necessary to balance the heat production because of horse gram. Consume buttermilk or cumin seeds along with horse gram to keep the body cool.

How to eat horse gram for weight loss
Horse gram and cumin seeds for weight loss: This is the preparation of horse gram for weight loss. Dry roast horse gram seeds and cumin seeds in a pan. Grind the both in mixer to make a fine powder. Mix this powder in buttermilk and consume it daily twice to reduce weight. Continue this therapy for few months.

How to use horse gram for weight loss: Soak horse gram seeds in water for 8 hours or overnight. After 8 hours, remove the seeds from water. Mix finely chopped onions and a pinch of salt in the horse gram seeds. Eat this healthy salad as a breakfast daily for few months. Alternatively you can prepare Kollu soup for weight loss by using the water used for horse gram cooking. This is popularly called kollu soup.

Dry roast horse gram seeds and make a fine powder. Add this powder in vegetable soup to get benefits of horse gram Horse gram helps to reduce cholesterol level and it also controls the blood pressure effectively. Horse gram is also helpful in reducing blood glucose level and thus it is beneficial in controlling diabetes.

Soak horse gram seeds in water for a night and morning tie the seeds in cotton cloth. Leave it for a day to get sprouts on the seeds. Sprouted horse gram seeds are very beneficial for weight reduction as it contains vitamins and micro nutrients necessary for human body.

Horse gram soup recipe for weight loss: You can prepare Kollu rasam weight loss recipe by adding the ingredients like tomatoes, coconut, garlic etc. or another tasty option you can try is horse gram chutney by adding tomato, onion, garlic, pepper, curry leaves along with horse gram seeds. Tasty horse gram seeds recipe can help you to reduce weight easily.

Kollu paruppu for weight loss: Grind the cooked horse gram by adding friend jeera, coriander, chillies, garlic, curry leaves, and salt. This is called paruppu, it will taste better with rice.