Diabetes care Tips
This is on diabetes care tips in Tamil
medicine for sugar control. Diabetes is the physical condition or the metabolic
disorder where body cannot produce sufficient insulin or the body cells stop
responding to the insulin produced in the body. Here are some tips to control
this condition and balance the blood glucose level effectively. Here are some diabetes health tips in Tamil
Best diabetes tips in Tamil
1. Eat healthy: Diabetes control tips in tamil medicine
suggest the food control first than the medication. It is always advised to a
diabetic patient to take proper and healthy diet by following diabetes food
list in Tamil. Fixing a healthy diet with the help of a dietician can be much
helpful to cure the condition. Reduce the amount of fatty food and sweets from
your diet. Reduce the salt intake in your diet. Salt is referred to be very
dangerous for the patient of diabetes and blood pressure. Avoid eating
saturated food. Do not eat canned or processed food as it increases the blood
sugar level in the body. Never think of adopting crash diet, instead be alert
about eating healthy and nutritious food. Increase the amount of fresh leafy
vegetables and fruits in your diet.
2. Do Exercise: It is very important
for the patient to do regular exercise every day. Regular exercise can
stimulate the insulin production in the body and decrease the blood sugar
level. It is necessary for a diabetic to control the weight gain. If the
patient is obese, then it is highly advised to reduce the weight to control the
blood glucose level. Morning walk in fresh air for 1 hour daily is the best
recommended exercise for the diabetic patients.
3. Minimize alcohol consumption: It
is necessary to reduce the alcohol consumption as it leads to weight gain. It is
necessary that along with a single drink of alcohol, enough food should be
4. Rest your mind and body: it is
very essential that you should maintain regularity in your sleeping time.
Scheduled and sound sleep for 7 to 8 hours can be helpful to control the blood
sugar level effectively.
5. Avoid smoking: one has to quit smoking as
it is harmful in diabetic condition.
6. Keep away tensions: stress and
tensions can lead to increase in blood sugar level, so try to be happy and
7. Keep in touch with your
physician: It is necessary to be regular to visit your doctor. Discuss every
health problem with the doctor. Do not neglect any type of infection if you are
diabetic. It is important to check the blood sugar level regularly with the
advice of your physician.
8. Feel free to your doctor:
Diabetes can lead to many types of sexual problems also. Take proper advice
from your doctor about this. Do not try any kind of medication without
consulting your physician.
9. Get knowledge: Get knowledge
about the medicines you are taking. Understand the schedule and the uses of the
medicines. Never skip the medicines. If you are going outdoors then remember to
carry your bag of medicines.
10. Control blood pressure level: it
is very important for a diabetes patient to control the blood pressure level.
You can control your blood pressure by exercising regularly, eating healthy
food and controlling weight. Reduce alcohol consumption and smoking to reduce
blood pressure.
11. Get lots of fibre: Fibre rich
food is very helpful in controlling the blood sugar level as it helps the
weight reduction and reduces the risk of heart diseases. Food like fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, seeds and nuts carry a good amount of fibre.